
Design by Analysis (DBA)

DBA requirements are organized based on protection against failure modes (plastic collapse, local failure, buckling and cyclic loading).
DBA is more accurate and sophisticate than ‘design by rule’.

Design by Analysis

Equipment/model types

Integrity Assessment & Fitness For Service (FFS)

FFS is a multi-disciplinary engineering analysis of equipment to determine whether it is fit for continued service until the next shutdown.
Equipment may contain flaws, not meet current design standards or be subjected to more severe operation condition than original design.
FFS assessments helps to make a decision to run as is, alter, repair, monitor or replace; guidance on an inspection interval is also provided.

FFS services include:




Equipment/model types:

Renewable Energy - Offshore Floating Wind Turbine​

A floating wind turbine consists of wind turbine (RNA and tower), floating platform, station keeping system(mooring system), power cable line

The floating wind turbine is a dynamic system that is subjected to steady forces of wind, current and mean wave drift, as well as wind, current and wave-induced dynamic forces. Also, the motion of floating wind turbine is governed by the motion of wind turbine. 

The floating wind turbine system is complex system, and all system components should be analyzed and designed interactively

Offshore Wind Turbine Services include

Fully coupled model, including components; ​ turbine RNA, tower, hull, station-keeping ​ system and power cable

Includes coupling effects; aero-elastic, aero-control, tower-hull, hull-mooring​ Time domain and Frequency domain analysis ​

Time domain and frequency domain analysis

Finite element analysis (FEA) to assess structural integrity of the platform

Structural design optimization

Nuclear Facilities Design and Assessment

Assess deterministic and probabilistic structural integrity of nuclear power plant facilities when they are subjected to various load conditions

Nuclear Facilities Design and Assessment services include:

  • Impulsive loading derived from the Ex-Vessel Steam Explosion
  • Earthquake Load
  • Tornado generated missiles (steel rods, steel pipes, and automobiles)
  • Internal accident generated missile (pipe whipping)
  • Residual velocity of aircraft after perforation

Equipment/model types:

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

RCA discover barriers and causes of problems based on engineering knowledge to identify appropriate solutions.

RCA services include

Equipment/model types

Automation for simulation

Automation provides time saving for repetitive tasks and parametric studies.

Automation makes the overall workflow more efficient

Simulation Automation service include
